Sunday, November 13, 2011


I found this picture in my phone today.... I totally forgot that I'd taken it.
A few months ago Drew wrecked his bike (again) and had to have stitches. When Drew found out the cut was nasty enough for stitches, he began crying.. quietly of course because he's a 9 year old boy that's way too cool for tears.  I was talking to the nurse and turned around just in time to see Maddi reach out for his hand and whisper, "its ok brother. I'm here with you." 
I am so blessed to have two beautiful, kind, compassionate kiddos. I learn from them every day and it is my constant prayer that I will be the mother that they deserve.

1 comment:

Lyd Stew said...

Sweet sweet post! Aren't those the moments that carry us through. I love the beautiful way you describe life.