Sunday, March 30, 2008

The first...

Well...I guess I have officially jumped on the blogging band wagon :) I just wanted a place to share all of the amazing things that are happing in my life right now. I have so many things to be thankful for...a beautiful family, a flexible job, the gift of being a mother, our home, my continuing many blessings; yet, things are so quickly brothers are both far from home and are missing out on so much, everytime I blink Drew has grown a foot, and it just seems like life is blowing past us at warp speed. Hopefully, I blogging can kepp my family up to date while giving me the opportunity to recognize the beauty of each day.

I'm not sure where to begin, but I guess I could try and cram the last five years into a few sentences ;) Five years ago, I married my best friend Sean, & soon after we were blessed with the miracle of having our son Andrew. Andrew has given me the opportunity to know joy, to understand my purpose here on earth, and the capacity to love unconditionaly. Everyday I am humbled and a little overwhelmed that I am responsible for his life. It is my greatest responsibility and my greatest joy. When I'm not busy being super-mom, I go to school, work a couple of jobs, and do all of the other normal household things. I am a Biology major at UAH, and with the patience & support of my family, I have been able to follow my dreams. So I guess that brings us to now ( leaving out the multiple moves, deaths, vacations, jobs, and all other significant I'm sure memories of the important events I left out will emerge in later blogs, but for now I am looking foward with hope & enthusiasm to the adventures ahead....


Mandy said...

So glad you decided to join. This is the best way, I've found, that I can keep everyone, friends and family, up-to-date with pictures and really important stuff that's going on. I added your link to my page too! Mandy

Don and Sherry said...

Amanda, You are one busy young woman. Love your blogsite and love allll of your family too. :)

Debbie said...

I never thought I would be interested in blogging until I had Taylor. Now, not only is it a great way to keep others up-to-date on what's going on with you, but it's also like writing in a journal only way better!