Yesterday was Madison's two month check-up, and she also got her shots...poor baby girl. She only gained 1 pound (she should have gained at least two), so we are going to give her extra concentrated formula and see if that does the trick. Everything else is perfect. She is so aware of her surroundings now. She smiles, sticks out her tongue, and even coos is she's in a really good mood. She fusses a lot, but she's still cute even when she's screaming her head off. Here are her stats for this month:
weight 9 lbs 2 oz 10th percentile
height 23 inches 50th percentile
head circumference 25th percentile
I have been a bit scattered lately. Maddi woke up three times last night, and when it felt like I'd just finally fallen asleep, Sean's alarm went off which woke Maddi up again. So when I went to wake Drew up for school, I was little more than a walking zombie. Between feeding Maddi, throwing lunch together, arguing over which pants to wear, counting change out of the coin jar for the book fair, and confirming that we do indeed brush our teeth every single morning, 30 minutes just disappeared! We were late and I was throwing kids and bags in the car and praying that we'd get there on time so I wouldn't have to go sign Drew in wearing my pajamas and carrying a screaming baby on my hip. So as we are sitting in traffic and I'm pleading with time as if the universe will slow just to prevent me from experiencing a little PJ humiliation, Drew looks at me with a quivering lip and says, "Mom, I'm hungry...why didn't you get me any breakfast this morning?" Dang it!!! So my poor baby boy went to school with a growling tummy, disappointed in his mother's inability to be super-mom. Who am I kidding? Feeding your child is a necessity not a super power. It's like second on the list of mothering responsibilities... under #1 - Give birth. Oh well, he made it through the day as did I, and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day or at least one that includes all three meals.